Connecting With-IN while Living With-OUT

I reflected on the title of this article for weeks and then decided YES, this is the title that captures the theme I wish to share.
Our experiences navigating life can be filled with smooth waters as displayed in the photo above. Our life can also be filled with ups, downs, rapids and stormy seas.

There are many factors to consider when navigating waters or should I say LIFE. I have chosen to use the following water analogy to assist us in reflecting on our navigational experiences and patterns.

1) External factors (outside of our tandem kayak and paddle board)
The water is calm, the wind is calm and it appears that there are no sudden storms are on the horizon. If these conditions change each individual will be influenced by these conditions and need to decide how they will respond.
Will it involve panic or a calm return to safety?

2) Group dynamic factors- (behaviors, thoughts, emotions within the group of individuals floating on the water)
At any moment one watercraft could bump into another causing the paddle boarder to fall into the water. The person on the paddleboard and the rest of the group has to decide how to respond to what they are experiencing.
How do we play off of or respond to others surrounding us?

3) Internal factors- (behaviors, thoughts, emotions within each individual)
At any moment one of the paddlers could decide to splash another, lean too far to the side of the boat or start fussing about being hungry (I am not known to display any of these behaviors...ha!)
Are we aware of our internal environment, what is occurring within ourselves- our physical alignment/position (proprioception), our internal sensations (pain, strain, comfort, hunger, thirst, energy level), feelings and emotional state (happy, sad, frustrated, anxious, feeling mischievous, content etc.)
Are we aware of and responsible for ourselves and our behaviors?

As the saying goes, we only have control over how we react to life.
Start connecting With-IN before living With-OUT.

How do we respond to life's experiences?

How do we respond to moments of smooth sailing and to moments of stormy seas??

Over many years I have found mindfulness to be my compass. To connect with what is inside- my physical sensations, feelings, emotions, thoughts and thought patterns. To my belief system, values, goals and dreams.

It is from With-IN that I begin to discover deeper information, wisdom and discernment about how I want to be in the world and how to move forward.
Once I truly connect With- IN, then I can begin to live With-OUT. Not in the sense of depriving myself of something but in a way that allows me to connect with the outside world with greater integrity, meaning and presence.

I find it interesting that many times I fail to practice mindfulness when I need it the most. I also struggle with prioritizing a daily practice of mindfulness even though I know and feel the benefits ripple throughout my life. Mindfulness offers the rewards of relaxation, insight and an expansion or slowing down of time. Each week I recommit to my mindfulness practice and attempt to be forgiving and compassionate with myself for not fully embracing this life changing and life enhancing practice.

If you wish to learn more about mindfulness practices I use, I welcome the opportunity to talk with you during a free Discovery Session call.

Wishing all of you smooth sailing as you navigate your life this summer and beyond!!